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Pecking, passing, altering, freeing, avenging, leading, replacing and surviving.

Last Week in Pop Culture 010, 3rd week of November 2018

As always, please do download my podcast for an auditory companion to this recap (53.5 MB). This goes on just under an hour which was quite a rare occurrence for my podcast. The rundown and timestamp can be found here ... in the coming future.

Bare in mind that the podcast has some delineation since I based it on my blog rather than this particular entry, but rest assured that I cover most of the topics included here. Here's my accumulated news list for last week.

00. Ray Chavez, the oldest surviving veteran of Pearl Harbor, passes away at the age of 106
Original post. I'm just grateful that they could live a full life after suffering through World War II. I apologize first but I want to know if you know there's any other surviving WW2 veterans that are still alive today. I'll update this if you provide information and sources for me..
01. portions of suicidal teens said watching 13 Reasons Why had increased their suicide risk
At first, I was happily surprised to know there's a show out there that have teen suicide as a main topic because at the least this will get the conversation going among children and their parents and by looking past the prejudice on this once taboo subject. Now learning of how it was portrayed in the film, I wish Netflix would have make some executive decisions to change the narrative by focusing more on the mental health aspect and its severe repercussions on the immediate people around them. The admittedly romanticization of suicide just makes it more appealing to the youth watching the series that is already leaning towards taking their own lives. Makes no mistake that ending your life will never magically solve all your problems just like how the show insinuate it could be. To cover my bases, here's the suicide prevention hotline here:1-800-273-Talk or go here.
02. Culture compilation
I'm doing something a bit different here since I want to include more topics without making this post too crowded hence this grouping based on the culture. Let me know if this is better than before. You don't need my input here but I will provide some choiced quotes that will help you. > Batkid, the Savior of San Francisco, is Cancer Free! > Israeli scientists develop implanted organs that won’t be rejected using patient's stomach cells TL;DR: Scientists have found a new way to develop organs based on using cells within the body. They collect a bunch of fat tissue and divide it into cells vs serum The cells are modified to become stem cells, and then are places in the serum to grow into the organ of choice.

04. Mission Impossible series stunt facts
Just want to highlight how many times Tom Cruise had put his life on the line to perform this increasingly incredible and dangerous stunts for our entertainment. Scientologist can do wonders for some ...
05. pop property previews
Another compilation segment to cut the fat and just put those minor updates here. I will put a little input here and there if I have anything to add or say on any of them.

> Aquaman's final trailer [December 21st]
Love all the colours and actions being displayed! It can't come soon enough! James Wan FTW! > Kim Possible's live action Disney Original film's first look of Dr. Drakken and Sheego
They smartly do what they can under that kind of budget. > Monster Hunter's live action adaptation's <first official image> Yeah ... at least Tony Jaa is getting a mainstream role once again. They're going to the desert ... that's good, right?

06. Stan Lee's POW! Entertainment responds to Bill Maher's vile comments
I will let the respond speaks for itself. I as a longtime comic book fan will never understand his condescending remarks over the passing of a legend and the millions who enjoy his work. Was it in character of his show? Was it just to drum up any publicity he could gain over someones' death?
Mr. Maher: Comic books, like all literature, are storytelling devices. When written well by great creators such as Stan Lee, they make us feel, make us think and teach us lessons that hopefully make us better human beings. One lesson Stan taught so many of us was tolerance and respect, and thanks to that message, we are grateful that we can say you have a right to your opinion that comics are childish and unsophisticated. Many said the same about Dickens, Steinbeck, Melville and even Shakespeare. But to say that Stan merely inspired people to “watch a movie” is in our opinion frankly disgusting. Countless people can attest to how Stan inspired them to read, taught them that the world is not made up of absolutes, that heroes can have flaws and even villains can show humanity within their souls. He gave us the X-Men, Black Panther, Spider-Man and many other heroes and stories that offered hope to those who felt different and bullied while inspiring countless to be creative and dream of great things to come. These are but a few of the things we the fans of Stan Lee also consider “adulting,” because life both as a child and grown-up can indeed be a struggle. Stan is the author of millions of happy childhood memories and the provider of so many of the positive tools of adulthood. Our shock at your comments makes us want to say “‘Nuff said, Bill,” but instead we will rely on another of Stan’s lessons to remind you that you have a powerful platform, so please remember: “With great power there must also come — great responsibility!” -Team Stan.


07. the LEGO Movie 2's first full trailer [February 08th]
Now we see clearer the storyline they are going with, an all out war between the brother and the sister. This is going to be amazing! The humour is still spot on!


08. the Lion King 'live action' adaptation [July 19th] I get the detractor's perspective on Disney retreading their past proven classics by redoing the animations with modern CGIs and live actors without adding anything to them but don't tell me you are not even a slightest excited when you see the African safari fully realised and then Simba himself and the iconic soundtrack accompanying that iconic opening sequence ... and that James Earl Jones' voiceover! I hope they reinvent the formula just a little to prove the detractors wrong but considering how the Jungle Book fare in the hands of Jon Favreau, I don't have any hesitation at all and more pumped than ever!.
> please visit the imgur gallery for the rest of entries and the original gallery <


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