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counsels to respond to the haunting

Hello Counselor Patriot Act the Haunting of Hill House
pop culture dailies weekly monthly ...? 039
One after another ...:

Hello Counselor
I've been wanting to do a weekly review of this show since I am always so incense by the concerns every time that I want to highlight here. Here is a bit of a belated review on this week's edition, starting with the overbearing sisters obsessing over their brother. I understand there is a tragic reason behind it but they are being too much for him, from cussing, to taking advantage and even invading his privacy. Sure siblings are sometimes rough with each other, but there should always be a limit. I am always looking down on people who tease others just because they like to see the reactions. They are overcompensating for the worse for the brother and if they just let him be his own person and gives him space, Then we move on to the mother who couldn't organize the stuff at her house properly and wouldn't accept the fact it was her fault in the first place. We learn that it was the result of habit going out of control and caused by the family members taking her for granted. Communication is always key to solve the concerns sent to the show and I hope more people will take this to heart. Using curse words as terms of endearment will never sit well with me because taking lightly words with bad connotations and use them around your children will never bring any great results with it. Then the excessive force use to quote unquote get close to them will never be okay in my book especially when the other side does not consent to it Then he starts to do it to other extended family members! This is the result of the father not getting enough love and attention from his parents but the way he's showing it is fundamentally wrong. Again another instance that can be discuss properly if both parties start to communicate their real concerns to each other.
Patriot Act
with Hasan Minhaj
Another the Daily Show correspondent moving on for greener pasture and giving his own show, I am a bit pessimistic after Michelle Wolf's cancellation but after watching the debut myself, I am right away sold with the exceptional production value and how crisp and clear the information comes through. Most of all it is the energetic and sincere host that sells it to me as his passion and concern of the topics at hand certainly comes through in every instance. Having the fact he is an American of Indian descent and on top of it all a Muslim is just icing on the cake of another entertaining educational program that will continue to fill me up with knowledge. Are you watching is weekly now just like Last Week Tonight?
the Haunting of Hill House
Whenever there have been universal praise over a certain new property, you know I just have to give it a go just to see what is everyone is talking about. With over half done, I can safely say this is not one of your typical horror shows for the better as we see how living in one house could affect the family members in many different ways. Understanding now that each episode will focus on each child and how they view the world differ from others and change after Hill House. I want to highlight how masterfully edited this show is with seamless transition between the past and the present with the smart usage of the passage of time to benefit the storytelling process, at least for me. I do not want to spoil anymore since the watching experience is all the better for you for going in as uninformed as possible. 

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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