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guilty for admiring the flora and fauna

sky - ocean - night
guilty pleasures Tuesday 023
I did cover it a little for the Monday segment but I want to focus on it here as my guilty pleasure of the week.

 My mother always let me know in the past to sometime just take a moment of the day to stop and admire the scenery created by God and appreciate it by thanking Him. Even if you don't practice the same religion as mine, it is always a nice feeling for me to take in the natural beauty and see how we can live harmoniously with each other, or at least try to. When you're too bogged down by life, taking a moment off and just seeing the flora and fauna will help to calm you down and in turns be more positive in life. Some of my favourite things to ponder on are ...:

#023a sun and clouds
... the sunset and sunrise. Having the sun just comes out and into the horizon and against the clouds will always amaze me everytime I catch a glimpse ... wouldn't you agree?

#023b waves
... waves. Having live quite close to the ocean, this helps me to get there once in awhile to appreciate the calmness of the waves and the freshness of the sea breeze. This helps me to calm myself the most ... what is yours?

#023c night and stars
... the night sky and the dozens shining stars accompanying the bright moon. I was lucky last night to have the opportunity to witness all of these and I took that moment to just stare at the sky and appreciate all of them. Have you given it a chance yet?


Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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