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As I am walking through the night market ...

jam - invisible - missing
pet peeves Monday 036 & misc list 197
Wel ... you're used to this already. Thank you for coming despite it!
I thought I have touched upon it but well, better late than never. Pasar malam or night market is a staple here in Malaysia and even South East Asia and there is always something that I could do without ...:

#085: getting in the way
Just like how I mentioned in my previous entry here, foot traffic is always something that would get on my nerves since I do walk in my own fast pace and having to shorten my natural stride will cut down my momentum significantly. When it was during holidays just like this week, people will go back home or balik kampung so to speak and the traffic will slow down to a crawl until even a stop. When they stop in front of a shop for a section of the stalls, not giving way for others to walk is just part and parcel of it but it doesn't mean I just have to accept it.

#086: not attended
When I do reach the desired location, I know based on the amount of customers waiting to be attend how long I have to wait ... but when that educated guess isn't met just like I predicted, I will get quite irritated really. Case in point, I was one of the three customers waiting to buy something that usually under ten seconds virtually before every time but when I was overlooked for others and even being cut by another customer that had just arrived, I can only remained patient for so long.

#087: missing
When I do reach the usual place of the stall but no actual sight, it is just a bit of a bummer when you won't be able to buy something that are craving all week long since this is a weekly night market after all. Just my luck ... 
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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