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as I am walking ...

reflecting - flowing - pacing
pet peeves Monday 018 & misc list 056
Hm ... did I mention walking before? In public places, how you walk would affect others especially in crowded places. I'll try listing some down here:
#049: the man in the mirror
Do you pay attention to how you walk? When you don't pay attention to it, how do you naturally walk from place to place? When it is commented upon to you, do you reject how they see it since you don't think you are walking that way? That was it for me before, kept getting the comments on how I walked with a limp or something in my youth. I was quite active with the school army cadet then and it might have had affected my way of walking ever since, I took these comments (of concern really) at heart and began to monitor the way I moved and tried to fix what could have appeared wrong. Ever since then, I walk with so much confidence than ever before.

#050: flow without obstruction
Rarely going out myself, I seldom encounter many problems when walking around a large volume of people but that's why when I did,they appeared more pressing to me. Firstly, when you walk in a lane, they would be a natural foot traffic going the opposite way side by side from one end to another and this works fine for most of the time. When there's a certain individual or a group that are still walking in that impromptu line suddenly stop in their tracks, it is common courtesy to actually step aside and let the traffic flow naturally as it is ... but unfortunately most of them don't! What don't you understand of this simple concept?! It's a limited space as it is, let alone in the mall or the night market for that matter ... Now we have to walk around you, creating an unneeded problem for others to dealt with.

#051: a pace of my own
Making use of what you know of myself earlier, I walk with a pace of my own that is unlike most people around me, usually in a fastened pace that I have become familiar from my marching days, using less time between each destination since I do not like to dilly dally much ... because I am by myself and that is just my own brisk pace, unless I'm out with another person of course. Speaking of which, I would be a bit peeved when my pace is stopped abruptly because of someone in front of me walking in a much slower pace and I couldn't go around him or her without appearing rude. I am not a rude person (which I sincerely believe) and would just pace myself according to that person and just wait for an opening before going by my own pace again. Oh, did you step aside if someone wants to go over you on the escalator? I do since I sometimes do that myself once in a while.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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