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guilty for rinsing my feet

guilty pleasures Tuesday 026
I guess I should do it like this; doing it when the time permits and for once do a segment that is exactly for the day.

This is tied closely to my Malaysian and specifically Malay upbringing whereby I would always have the urge to wash my feet every time I was out and just getting back into the house. If you have been to the traditional all-wood Malay house, there's a chance you have seen the big ceramic jar(?) holding a huge amount of water at the front of the steps ready for us to use to wash the feet before stepping into the house. One of the unspoken role of the living condition in Asia and in this country is that we do not wear our shoes inside and I'm not sure if it contributes to my current condition but I will have that urge to go straight into the bathroom and wash my feet. If I go outside wearing sandals even for a minute, the surface of my feet will always feel dirtied by the outside condition. This is solidified by the lessening or even the absence of the urge at all when I wear socks and shoes to go outside, but I just do it anyway out of habit, and the feel of cleanliness the moment the water washes away the foreign materials that I feel has been stuck to my skin.

Is it something to be ashamed about? No. Is it a bit of the ordinary? To some, yes.

Does it deserves the guilty pleasure seal? Definitely.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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