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as I try to get my songs ...

full - hiccup - repeat
pet peeves Monday 036 & misc list 197
A tad late but as always, better late than never.
I do not have as current of a playlist but I do try to keep up and listen to new releases and keep some that appeal to my personal taste ... the thing is that process sometimes are not as smooth as I want to:

#085: almost seamless
Acquiring music for me includes a number of steps that are totally free that I have been using for years now: download Youtube videos  and convert the video files into mp3s. The converter most of the times work seamlessly without a hitch but sometimes for some reasons there will a noticeable audible click just at the start of every song. Just a hiccup and nothing would always go your way, right?

#086: full to the brim
Just like I encountered for my podcast, there will always be a size problem for my only place I listen to the songs: my smartphone. Until I upgrade or just buy a memory card, it will always deter me from putting all of my library on the phone .

#087: most played
Oh, now that I think about it, there is a feature from my old phone that I miss since it's not available on my new one: being able to list the songs based on frequency as in how much they are played. I used this particularly when I am my jog and want to listen to those that aren't played as much to avoid feeling repetitive and ruin my concentration. 
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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