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As I tend to my bike ...

inferior - fuel - luck
pet peeves Monday 037 & misc list 202
I am trying to make it weekly. I hope you will think it's worth it!
Having a bike means that you have to take care of it yourself, from the minute tiring weekly thing to the dreaded accident. It's not pet peeves per say but something that I never look forward to:

#085: brittle
I know that using the default sprockets with tubes inside the tires would mean that it is more susceptible to losing the air much more frequently compared to using the solid rims. This means I have to go at least weekly to pump the air back in whenever I feel the alignment starts to run away a bit.

#086: full to the brim
The fuel will always run out. I at least now know when it will actually run out, so there's that.

#087: just my luck
Oh, don't you hate it when you actually run over something sharp and it punctured through the tube? Thankfully it didn't happen too much for the past few years but when it happened when you're on the way somewhere, it really put a damper on it ... 
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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