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guilty for enjoying new scents

guilty pleasures Tuesday 010b
This might be a peculiar thing but I'm sure some of you does feel the same way. It's a extension of my previous entry that was more broad and here I am trying to be more specific.

New things in display or stock have their own particular smell, and it really varies from store to store even to the type of clothing from one cabinet to another that's just beside it. I never really try to smell them when I am browsing through them but I make it a reward for me when I actually buy one and smell them later at home.

That's it! I remember the sensation again after I bough that Black Panther hat.

Is it something to be ashamed about? Hm ... probably. Is it a bit of the ordinary? I don't believe so since I know people would do it in secret.

Does it deserves the guilty pleasure seal? Definitely.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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