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Guilty for waiting ...

guilty pleasures Tuesday 014
There is no picture for this.

It's been happening lately and since I'm used to the sensation because of the annual fasting, I tend to wait quite a long time before eating something, letting my stomach releasing the gastric acid until it reaches a certain high before I decide to eat something light such as snack or a full meal.

As I've mentioned before, even if I eat something heavy the stomach would still be rumbling almost right away. That is why I sometimes just let the rumbling gone for as long as I could and would even go right to sleep! 

Is it something to be ashamed about? Hm ... no, not really. It would be a bit weird though. Is it a bit of the ordinary? I believe so because not many people would be looking forward to feel the sensation of hunger themselves.

Does it deserves the guilty pleasure seal? Certainly so.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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