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As I was eating ...

ache - bit - stuck
pet peeves Monday 041 & misc list 218
There are many things that would irk you if you give time to think on it. I found out so here we go!
I want to eat as quick as possible without any problem but there are a couple that I always encounter every now and then. So many small things ... :

#091: internally pulsating
I can't go back now. My days spent drinking sugared drinks in my youths have tainted my teeth and now drinking cold drinks have caused them to pulsate every time I drink something that's past the cold threshold. If I'm careful, I can always drink them but when the water make direct contact with one of the teeth, it's pain central for me.

#092: accidental munch
Eating has been such a common social experience for us that you know how to do it unconsciously without even thinking. With that being said, there's a chance in a blue moon that I could somehow miss-chew and bit my tongue or other parts of my mouth. Some would only cause temporary pain but others would last for weeks ...

#093: crevices, crevices
Yeah, this is not something that I'm proud of talking about. If you've known me recently, I chip my front teeth during a job after bumping it on a marble table (Yup!) and haven't gotten it fixed for years now. That void would invite any food I put in my mouth to get stuck there and since I never get my other teeth properly fixed, there's a rogue teeth at the back of my left upper molar that would be the next candidate to be filled. Oh, the joy.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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