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For your bundle-browsing ...

- look - smart - target
Tips, see Thursday 025 & misc list 137
A day late but i was thinking of a topic to focus on ...
... and I got one! Since I just visited one in the afternoon, I want to share some insights that could help you in your own endeavour:

#064: judge the book by its cover
If you've been going to a number of bundles before, you can already tell what kind of bundle you are walking into and what kind of offerings do they have inside just from the outside. Whether it's the sign or the size of the shop or what do they put on display at most forefront, you should pay attention to these details before walking in if you want to spare a few minutes that you spent looking for something that will never be there in the first place.

#065: shop smart not hard
Speaking of which, you should be able to make educated guess what certain shop could have or not have if you've been around for awhile. I will never expect clothes that is on a higher quality from a shop with all worn down shirts (I mean really worn down, no 'newer' selections whatsoever) and I won't look for great selection of clothes from a bundle that's heavily focused on footwear. You can really tell if you know where to look.

#066: specificity
Adding to the motto of shopping smart, do not walk in blindly if you don't have the time to properly browse around. Walk in with a purpose so to speak, having certain clothing in mind that you are focusing on and go straight to that section (that is if they are not too lazy to separate the clothing by type ... thankfully it's quite rare basing on my personal experience) in the shop. Time matters if you are on the movie and just dropping by.

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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