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Human is not perfect and you should embrace that.

setting for standup 004
Fourth Topic: It was me ... no, it was you!
It's been awhile ... since I've been keeping in storage a number of materials already, the time is nigh to actually try to expand upon them. So here goes nothing:

Full disclosure: it's been years since my last relationship and since it was a long and serious one for me, I find it hard to go back out there but at least I can learn from my experience and can be my source of inspiration for this particular entry. The fights can be petty at times and even escalated as we inevitably approaching the end but when you were in it deep, you can't make clear sense of it all. As before, I was inspired by another comic's set on the Put Your Hands Together podcast, and learned this gem: "relationship is someone persists over other's reluctance". I can relate to that.

"It's nice to see so many couples in the crowd. I can't wait to see how many of you would last the whole way.I kid, I wasn't that bitter at all. Since it was years since my last love so to speak, it forces me to see all my previous relationships from another perspective. I learn a lot from my past mistakes.Raise your hands if you've never fight with your partner. Those who are late and don't even raise yours are lying!If not, good, you actually found your better half. I'm happy for you. Really.People have different perspective on life and conjure up different thought processes, no matter how it was right or wrong fundamentally. How you discuss the difference with your other half define your relationship going forward. If you start with a heated argument on pineapple on your pizzas, you would kid yourself thinking that you're on a shaky foundation already. I don't mind it actually, personally.A major problem comes when you're fighting over opinions rather than facts.If you prefer to eat first before going to the cinema because you want to feel full when watching movies, that's on you, your own preference.If she prefer otherwise, one should give in to another and do the opposite the next time.Or, you know, just eat and drink in the cinema itself to meet in the middle. Problem solved?Maybe, but now you'll fight over what kind of food to buy at the confectionery stand. That's another can of worm that I won't touch now.How do I solve this? Just buy a drink and smuggle in much, much cheaper food from the outside.If they see you with cinema-branded drink, they won't check you for anything else.I learned that from my own personal experience.Give it a go and let me know how it went, okay?


That's it. I had the overall gist but had to find a topic to focus on, and surprise, surprise, it is watching movies.

Set quality: 50%, touching upon a universal topic and the logical breakdown of fights in relationship. Much more interactive with the audiences but not punchline.
Position: Another five minute set I think.
Topic: human life & human relationship (100% relatable). 
P.S. I do get a lot of topics based on the PYHT podcast. I suggest you listen to it to have a good laugh if you're not looking for materials ... x2

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