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"Do not run a job in a job."

Ocean's Eight
Mini Non-Spoiler Review
[< X >]
[PG-13, 1hr 50min, Action, Comedy, Crime] 
Since there would be a shortage of big studio movies coming out in the coming weeks, I want to venture into my backlog (I do have a lot of them ...) of films and start to watch them one by one. This reboot/sequel with an all-female cast of the named franchise (dating back to 1960) would be my starting point, as this premise can be seen another attempt to jump on the Hollywood's bandwagon to keep this trend going just for the sake of it without any cohesive storyline reason behind the decision. 

After seeing the trailers and the feature itself, I believe this is one exception to the rule as it uses the premise set up by the predecessors quite effectively while using the exclusively all-female characters to excellent use. Steven Soderbergh's excellent trilogy was what would come up first in the minds of the fans when the name of the franchise is being brought up and I know this is the main reason there's a lot of negative feedback and criticisms were unwarranted and prematured especially before they even see the finished product themselves. The outrage culture is the worst in today's climate without any valid reason at all is cancerous to the current pop culture and affects the consumer's viewing experience as a result. The most recent instance is the 2016's Ghostbusters all-female reboot whereby the never-before-seen outcry of few but vocal backlash certainly clouded the marketing with bad vibes on the internet. The movie is pretty decent in and of itself but the way they handled the original's cast and trying to hamfistedly fit them into the storyline just brought out the ire even more.

This most recent endeavour by Gary Ross of the Hunger Games and Seabiscuit fame actually did a wonderful job of using the original premise as a solid foundation and a working game plan and creating from scratch an intriguing heist film revolving around the eclectic female characters and the pursuit to plan it flawlessly and the eventual thrilling heist. Not all plan goes according to plan but it makes the journey that much more enjoyable and don't get me started on the third act twist(s)! Some can be a more harder to believe but that's the charm of this hyper-realistic premise, you just need to be all in from the get go from the beginning. All the actresses play well with each other with Sandra Bullock leading the charge effortlessly while Kate Blanchett supporting her in every step. Having it takes place in the current modern times presents us with a lot of technological hijinks and magics that could be believable and somehow applicable in real life, if you try, with the proper knowledge, probably.

I was thoroughly entertained surprisingly considering what this project had to overcome at the first place!
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P.S. I love that scene when they ... ! Spoiler! carry the diamond necklace one by one by wearing it as a separate piece of jewelry. That's the money shot of this film! ! Alert !

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