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a quarter in

obligatory journal 045
New Year's Resolution
weekly update #25

What did you do last week?
#1 more regular Al-Quran reciting
Still working on including it into my daily routine ...
#2 weekly adequate exercises
Lesser exercise sessions but still had three at the start, the middle and the end of the week, so there's that! Sometimes you can't find an appropriate motivation to keep you going but for me it's a mean for me keep active and take in fresh air for once!

#3 more regularized Funko POP designs
Two less with thirteen, and had to include Quasimodo to keep the format going. I'm getting it going strong for second week in a row and I intend to keep it going, at least over ten for a week.
#4 pray full for the whole year
Wow, it was getting worse. I hope I still have time to make up for all of them! 
#5 giving back to the community
There's still lingering sniffles ...
#6 going out of my comfort zone
I made it just in time ... have to come back for the comics, though.
I hope with my attempt to keep myself accountable, this would motivate you to do same!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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