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while I casually browsing ...

image denier - router restart - torrent tirade
pet peeves Monday 003 & misc list 006
I was struggling to pick what other pet peeves that I could focus on but when I was browsing, this came to mind:

#007: Getty + Google = copyright protection
I was perplexed when that image option suddenly went away the first time when I was searching for an image just like I always did. I gave it another go a number of times after that since I thought it was an error by Google or something but after a quick Google ironically, I found out that this is all because Getty Images felt they were being treated unfairly by this particular option and sue the company to get rid of it! Go to the link above for a thorough rundown but essentially its removal is part of their "settlement", just taking it away from its frequent users and inconvenient them to open a new tab and go to the website. Thankfully, this ordeal didn't even last that long since I was reminded of the Google Extensions and the one that'll put it back in just like before. Voila! Problem solved! 
#008: restarting router
I believe this is something that anyone that shares internet at home could relate to, having your router malfunctions on you without rhyme nor reason seemingly out of nowhere. It is just the uncertainty and the randomness of it all that would haunt me, going awry without warning just when I about to enjoy using it. This is not at the top of my list at all, it is just a minor inconvenience that we all have to live with, having to reset it and wait a couple of moments for it hopefully function properly. I even wait a few seconds after turning it off just in case the longer wait between the switching would somehow help reset it faster ... don't tell me you haven't done this too!

#009: torrent tirade

Coming across torrent right after I used Limewire (remember Limewire?!) as my source of files and songs,I revert to Youtube now for the latter while I used the aforementioned metadata sharing platform for the former until now. I know it is illegal but I am not in the position to get anything that is out right from my television as many new properties come out on the stateside and on channels that I would never get my hands on legally from where I live, and since I am well off myself, I can't watch everything that is out in the cinemas since the cost to even watch one is increasing by the day. With that being said, there are a number of issues I came across during my daily browsing of torrents uploaded on the torrent sites, such as spammers spamming faulty torrents to films that are not legitimate or not even out yet and improper titling of these files that make searching for them that much harder. 
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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