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"Aren't you're a little short for a stormtrooper?"

Wardrobe Wednesday 008
Star Wars
Stormtrooper caps
~ ~ ~
new era & ? >
Pop culture merchandises have been what I will always looks for when I went for bundle-browsing or even shopping but I usually just window-shopping for the latter since they always have premium prices when they are brand new, certainly always above my meager budgets. I've been meaning to get one proper Marvel cap at least to represent my love of their MCU but that Wonder Woman 'leather' cap looks so good though that I won't mind wearing it myself! That's just my wishful thinking ... Which is why I will always appreciate any product based on a popular property that would come through the door especially if they're basically free, well at least from my point of view. The IP in question today is of course Star Wars! I include both caps that I have in my collection on the franchise because they couldn't sustain an entry in this segment each so combining them is the next best thing.

My first one is the gray Stormtrooper cap that was handed down to me (as many others) that I found just recently that it was made by the ever reliable New Era. Judging by the quality of the fabric and its making and frame, I am not at all surprised! While the design of the cap itself is plain and simple, it is made so to be a fitting background for the front unique design of the stormtrooper or rather an assembly of phrases directly related with the Galactic army being arranged perfectly to outline the iconic helmet that is synonymous with the saga. There are a number of Easter Eggs among those phrases (and even TK-421!) that would be a treat to the more than casual fans, which I can admit I'm among them (although not as die hard as those I've seen on the internet). The combination of gray fabric and white weaves is the perfect contrast and would not make its wearer stands out too much in the crowd. I am quite fond of the softness of the fabric itself, making it a much more appealing option than the rest.

I do not intend to write a whole paragraph on it but it just kind of happened so let's see what happens with the next one in line: the other gray Stormtrooper cap that have quite the colours on its tongue (or bill) and a touch on the front panel. This is actually gifted to me by my mother who went to Indonesia for the fourth time if I'm not mistaken (maybe it was somewhere else ... she got around last year) as she now find something that I would actually wear instead of those tourist-trap clothes that she bought before (that I admitted I didn't wear as frequent as others in my wardrobe). Unfortunately I couldn't find any label that would indicate who made the hat which is quite a shame since it is quite a well made hat in and of itself ... although the lining of thin sponge strips in the inside of the rim let me know just enough. The canvas used for the back is quite nice enough but the major standout of its design is the plastic + canvas used for the panel. I can't quite define the exact material used here but it has a certain sheen on it and since it is used for the top of the bill, the many colours used appear much more vibrant, making it a nice alternative for the first cap depending on what kind of outfit I put on that day.
Well, that's all for caps I think for the mean time, I will update if there's one that would fill this segment well.

a case for the nameless cannon fodder:
+ Positives +
My first representation of my love for pop culture, at least on what I can wear on my head.
? Main contention ?
there are more important characters in the franchise ... I just wish they would be much more cheaper!
- Negatives -
They are not as readily available as I wish they could!
RM 00 = value for money. Of course it is!
? Value ?
+ Design + Form + Material + Value for Money + Pop culture - nondescript character = 90%
- x -

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