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going where man has never gone before

setting for standup 002
Second Topic: Astronauts 
I've been listing a lot of potential materials lately but never had the time to use them ... until now! Regarding this particular topic or rather profession, I can understand the disdain if you compare their life to yours but I can never look down upon them since the requirements alone to be a valid applicant is mounting and the constant threat to your life is always present even though it has been dramatically reduced ever since the first few attempts. Now you know what my personal opinion on the matter, let's see how well I put them into a working set:

In my religion, I am always reminded by my mother to look upon the nature around us and be marvel by its beauty at least once a day to please Allah. I am always a man of nature so to speak so this is not actually hard to do but when the thought came across my mind at night, I would look upon the sky to see whether there are any visible star and whether the moon is shining brightly or being covered by clouds. I would stand in the middle of the street by myself for a few moments to soak it in and yes, marvel at its beauty.Which is why I always respect astronauts, that are actually among the stars in the void of space. I don't get the hate on them. I don't get it, really! Do you think they are a bunch of elites that buy their way into space so that they can look down upon everyone else that is not worthy? No, they have to earn their way to be to at least be qualified to be one, to be in a profession that you would have higher probability to die on your way to work than reaching your place of work safely. Compare that with you stressing out getting stuck in the middle of a traffic jam! Yes, the risk of blowing up in the middle of the air has been dramatically reduced but that's after the fact that they have to learn the hard way what worked and what didn't by sacrificing millions dollars of government equipment and even more so the invaluable lives of the crews on board! That's why they're being honoured post-humously in the Hall of Fame for their sacrifice for the country and the effort to journey into space safely. What do you have at your place of work? A glorified Employee of the Month wall that would give you arbitrary employee benefits ... compared to being considered as a national hero and a heroic example to the mankind. You do the math. With all that risks and requirements, they deserve to be the first man to step foot on the moon (do not get me started on conspiracy theories!) compared to you being the last employee to step foot in the office before the clock turns nine.

Yeah ... that's a long one. It needs so much polish. Oh well, at least I get it out of my mind for now. Thank you for reading and I hope you find some humour in it, if any ...

Set quality: 30%, a lot of comparisons that need to be trimmed down and clean up ... definitely too long.
Position: could be closing the set since it's dealing with human ego & achievement. Just need better punch lines.
Topic: human ego & space travel (100% relatable). 
P.S. That opening is actually from my real life experience, and I do it from time to time if the sky is brighter than usual ...

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