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As I silently jogging ...

uneven - unfit - unravel
pet peeves Monday 006 & misc list 009
Since jogging has been quite a part of my current life, I think I can find some pet peeves during the exercise:
#019: real life surface
As I've been jogging in a number of locations and instances, I can see the pros and cons of each and which one is best for what purposes. Stadium is a great place to have some repetitions in your reps while being accompanied by other joggers but circling the same tracks can be quite tedious and boring but a great alternative is to jog around the neighborhood although the real life roads can be quite unpredictable and in turns dangerous if you are not careful. There were times that I accidentally twisted my ankles on uneven pavement because I planted my feet wrong whenever I were not aware of the difference in the surface. Thankfully my reflexes caught myself just in time every time to not put too much pressure on the ankle that it could have been a lot worse than just a sore ankle at the end of it.

#020: conditioned for mediocrity
Since I do not jog everyday, my body would react differently every time I go for a quick jog, having my heart and my knees being the two major variables that would decide how the exercise would go. The recurring knee injury could affect how fast I can go while my heart or rather my own resilience could affect my own pacing. Whether or not the time between the jogs is long or short, my condition is still as random as ever which is good and bad at the same time. At the end of it all, as long as I sweat myself out, that is all that matters.

#021: an escape artist
I have such a love-hate relationship with the shoestrings of each shoes I am wearing since as much as I try to tie them down with the butterfly knot (that is the only knot that I know ...), two out of five occasions they would unravel at random times which would be quite a hassle if I have to stop in the middle of my run to tie them back up and break my pace. This is why I would always try to put on my shoes without unraveling the shoestrings, adjusting my feet to get into it by peeling them back with my finger. I don't think I could ever break this 'curse' anytime soon so that is the next best option available to me.

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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