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Movie News 006 & Movie Preview 010
One is postponed to next year while the other delayed, AGAIN!
X-Men: Dark Phoenix & New Mutants
delayed for reshoots

Project Viability = 
above 70% with retry of the Dark Pheonix Saga & horror twist with New Mutants.

official statement:
Dark Phoenix is being pushed out of its initial November 2018 debut to February 14, 2019, so just a couple of months, but New Mutants is being delayed (AGAIN!) from February 2019 all the way to August 2, 2019.

educated reported reason: scheduling conflicts.

most possible sequence:
principal photography > post production > test screening > additional photography @ reshoot > NOW { A-list actors' scheduling conflicts > push release dates to make time } > post production > premiere date

Chance of Success =
dipping below 70% with high expectations now met with deflating pushback.

I was quite alarmed to learn that X-Men: Dark Phoenix being pushed back after knowing New Mutants was pushed back weeks before but I was really shocked yet again to learn the latter's release date being pushed back, again! After the initial shock subsided, learning of the possible reasons behind these huge rescheduling actually makes sense and with the impending Disney acquisition, I won't fault Fox for doing their utmost best and taking every last resorts to produce their own best products for the last time before the inevitable absorption. The speculations are rife with negative connotations online whereby they see these decisions as studio interference for the sake of it, now much more timely after the unfortunate incident of Warner Bros with Justice League. Without knowing the actual correct information, these wild guesses really go nowhere fast and ends up giving the movies bad vibes even before they see the finished products in the cinema! Just wait and see, a little optimism in today's volatile superhero industry wouldn't hurt ... right?

a case for the directorial debut Simon Kinberg:

+ Positive +
The behind-the-scenes production is much more smooth and streamlined compared to previous director, Bryan Singer, indicates a seamless transition from a long time X-Men producer to finally being its director, as having the main household actors back despite their contracts ran out for Apocalypse certainly helps him in creating an inviting shooting environment.
? Main contention ?
With studio having the final call, the director's final cut being overlooked in order to take into account the feedback from the test screenings is actually a common occurrence in today's climate especially if it helps in them pinpointing what to add in the reshoots, but ...
- Negative -
... it is quite an unprecedented act in moving the release date months back to accommodate the additional photography, but it is understandable considering how pack the schedule of the main cast that the extension of the scheduled reshoot will conflict with their ongoing projects, hence the move.

a case for the unfortunate pushback of the New Mutants:
+ Positive +
With how universally well received Deadpool was and having an Oscar nominated movie in Logan (although the former is mostly because of Ryan Reynold's relentless effort to make it himself while the latter is the studio's response to that by giving James Mangold full R-rated creative control to end Wolverine's journey fittingly), Fox is taking another giant leap in delving headfirst into creating the first genre X-Men film in New Mutants by leaning heavily into horror. I guess it's not heavy enough!
? Main contention ?
Josh Boone already have a working final cut that's actually ready to be shown to the public with its first trailer already came out but the virtually last minute decision to do reshoots in order to make it "scarier" and even adds a new character to suit that approach can certainly be viewed as undermining the original's vision of the director. To make it worse ...
- Negative -
... even with how extensive it is already in the first place, following this Dark Phoenix news is the revelation of them moving the release date AGAIN to cater to each actor's busy schedule and the new actors as well since they are introducing more new characters into the fold in line with the rumoured report of almost half of the film is being reshot! I'm just hoping that Josh would not leave over the dreaded 'creative differences' over this ordeal and would just with the studio to make the best film out of this prediament.

source of article: collider

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