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Video of the Day 005 the Science behind the Laughter

Video of the day 005
Why Do We Laugh?
laughter is an unconscious instantaneous reaction to an external force that pleases us more that displeases us ... but why is it so?
us, humans, and even the other animals are interacting with each other through it, but it's not really just about responding to a joke, per say ...
^ as described simply in the video above, it is a simpler use of our fine muscle control that we use to speak ^
it is our way "to communicate understanding, to show we like and accept others and diffuse awkward situations" and since "we're much more likely to catch laughter from the people we know." it's "more about bonding than humor" 
since our mind could differentiate between real and fake laughter, it's better to be honest with everyone around us, try to understand each other and let it comes naturally
when you know the real reasons behind it, it makes you more aware of it and its implications but don't sweat it, you'll forget about it when you're enjoying each other's company and laughing together

Lesson Learned:
Break into a smile and even a fit of laugh sometimes ... don't hold back.

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