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a property well used

Picture of the day 004
using your property for the betterment
of your compatriot
x-post of entartika
A man rescued more than 70 people in his bulletproof BMW from being pinned down by ISIS in Iraqi city, Kirkuk.
~ Mr Abdulrahman [32] ~

"My friends were very happy when I bought the armoured car. We started driving in it to the front line near Kirkuk, not worried about ISIS drive-by shootings or roadside bombs."

"I told myself, this is the right time to help people, this is the right moment to do it. I am a fighter and I have a bulletproof car, shame on me if I can't help.
I kept telling myself, my people are in danger, they need me, my city is in danger, I have to protect it."

Isis Snipers shot his car with more than 50 bullets but the armoured plating did its job, allowing the fighter to transport more than 70 wounded people to safety.
"When I arrived at the scene, I saw many people on the ground, civilians and security forces and no one could dare to come close because of ISIS snipers and random shooting.
In my car, I carried Sunni, Shia, Kurds, Turkmen and Christians. I felt like I am truly Iraq and this is who everyone should be."
My only input on the matter is that I want to highlight how he instinct was to use his rather unique and expensive vehicle to do good by mankind as he literally put his life on line to save others disregarding their religion and ancestry.

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