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Trend of the Day 002 Stop! Collaborate and ...

Trend of the day 002
Mannequin Challenge
A rather cheesy trend in movies of people seemingly freezed in place as the camera wheezed around them that was being replicated countless times before that has been being brought into spotlight again in the social media. 
By whom? By everyone, it seems! From the youths who started the 'movement' (or the lack thereof) to even famous celebrities and world class athletes.
Probably a spur of the moment random act by a group of friends (except the ones where more efforts and tricks were put in them) picking a certain situation in a certain place with their own activity to freeze (in frame per say) that looks the best when the camera comes through them.
Social media is there for a reason and they are in full force in current culture that is now currently inexplicably but nonetheless entertainingly engaging the users with resurgence of trends from yesteryears with the competitive term 'challenge'.
Look ... as much as this 'trend' could be viewed as a waste of time and even annoying to outsiders looking in, for others and even the participants it is a way to stay engage and up to date with people from all around the world while being entertaining to themselves and the ones watching.
It is just a fun watch and would be even more so when you begin to join in the fun but for the still non-appreciative, just let us have the fun for now, okay?

Lesson Learned:
Hm ... okay, I got it: Cooperation bears result.
Source: Fine Brothers Entertainment

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