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Lone Handy Salesman.

 | 15th March 2019 | Netflix
8XC - VE3A - O<>
pop culture daily @ weekly 049
Took an impromptu break last week so here I am trying to make up for it... P.S. Just like me,I think you should always go in blind without any prior knowledge of the shorts since the revelations that I experience myself really add to the viewing experience:

TV-MA | 16 min 10 sec
(supernatural x military)
I didn't know what to expect when I turned this tenth episode on and when the solo soldier without much traditional protection started to showcase his powers, I know this would be something out of the ordinary for sure. This probably could be the most goriest yet in the series, or at least categorically most realistic considering the premises that have been been gone through already. I like the tense moments just before the crazy action scenes, especially in the second half of the short. Quite a beautiful marriage between the two sub-genres here...
Helping Hand
TV-MA | 10 min 04 sec
(animated Gravity)
Gravity is the first thing that came to my mind as soon as it started, definitely even more so when that debris is careening straight towards her. Granted that that movie is almost entirely animated in CGI and this is great short version of that film with a similar situation but a more gory and drastic solution that I saw coming but still hard to watch... the dire atmosphere is really brought to life by the convincing representation of isolating space and the hyper realistic emotions on the main protagonist just sells it for me. Momentum is everything.
Fish Night
TV-NC-17 | 10 min 14 sec
(stranded cell-shaded mind trip)
The title threw me for a loop at first but while I admired the updated cell-shaded look throughout, it's then became clear where it came from. I really appreciate these filmmakers really experiment with their engine and do their best in using this more obscure style of animation and when I couldn't look away from the short even for a second, I know the gamble paid off... from the gorgeous time lapse to the breathtaking visual splendor in the second half, you are in for a treat, even with that bittersweet ending. I want to see more of these specifically please!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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