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As I get to the sink...

drip, drip - woosh - ...
pet peeves Monday 056 & misc list 278
It's right in my view...
The sink in the kitchen is the most used one in this household but with that, it has suffers a lot of wear and tear and consequently a number of pet peeves...:

#133: not all the way
I really hate when the droplets of water keeps dropping from the faucet when you thought you had turn it off completely. I feel even more so when it's not me that does it and does not seem to do anything about it! Ah!!!

#134: eventually...
The faucet had to be replaced just months ago after over ten years of usage and before that, I had to suffer through a lot of water spraying and nonfunctional faucets... so I'm just glad that's over!

#135: cherish everything
Water pressure isn't something that I cared for before but now knowing that's how the water is being distributed through the plumbing around the house, I finally understand the usage of the pumping machine at the back. Even with it though, there's some time that it still doesn't work as intended and there will be no water coming through it for the day until it is fixed. You don't know what you're missing when it's there is perfect here since I didn't know how much I use that sink everyday until that situation happen to me. I kept forgetting that the water is not there and I just keep going there time after time...
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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