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Guilty for liking...

guilty pleasures Tuesday 027
This is something that I hold quite highly...

If you've been on Youtube, you know all those buttons below the video, right? The one I want to focus here is the like button. It may not mean much to the casual viewers if you see the disparity between the total number of views and the number of likes and dislikes. I want to emphasize that if you do click one of these particular buttons, it will help the Youtuber by increasing the level of engagement for the video and raise its... standing(?) for the systematic algorithm on the platform, allowing it to be recommended to more viewers outside of the subscriber's bubble so to speak. To me, I've been clicking the button more and more recently since I want to show my appreciation for the videos and the creators for actually giving me something that I can take and appreciate. Since all the videos I liked are put in a separate list, you can go through my personal list to see my own personal preference and taste to get to know me even better. Speaking of which, I might do something with that list soon... so stay tuned!

Is it something to be ashamed about? No, not really, but I guess it is rare for Youtube users to take into consideration of the real functions of these buttons. Is it a bit of the ordinary? Not to me but maybe to the casual viewers. Does it deserves the guilty pleasure seal? I guess since it's not the mainstream approach yet.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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