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End of a story and a start for another...

gaming check-in 003/ 4th week of May, 2019
Okay, moving forward I will give weekly update only in this section, combining them all rather than separate them. If there is a new game, I will include them there in the appropriate column.

Ori and the Blind Forest is finally done! Wow! I finally learned all those powers and travelled (almost) all over the map, going through all kinds of places and meet many kinds of enemies (that were daunting before at the start but now seemed totally manageable). It's unfortunate I couldn't get full 100% complete (it's virtually done minus those pesky hard-to-reach collectables) and they were a lot of obstacles to go over and frustrations when I couldn't, the exhilaration when I did were through the roof especially for the 'QTEs'! Doing it all by myself is something to be proud of and a definite feather in my gaming cap. Will of the Wisp, I'm coming for you... well, maybe not right away. As fun as it was being in that world, I do think I need a little rest from it.

Speaking of which, here's another game I actually finished, which is surprising considering my playing style. It was the first episode of Life is Strange 2 called Road. I really didn't know where they'll go after the excellent debut season but it was smart to go down a completely new road with new settings and new characters since how investive we, the fans, were with Chloe and Max and how complete their journey was. For better or worse, they went with more grounded tone while incorporating realistic current social issues. I'm all for any game trying to tackle these and foster more conversation around them but I know for sure that there are people that wouldn't like politics in their entertainment. Since entertainment always based on real life, it's all fair and games to me! With that tangent done, this next story started with a somber note (more than before though) and it revolves around the familial relationship this time around and it gives me something different to delve into. Trying to make the best out of the situation while trying to keep the younger brother's innocence is a really tricky tight rope to walk on, despite the extraordinary circumstances the family is in. I love every second of the road trip and it felt so much longer than the first season's counterpart to me. Heavier and much more difficult (emotionally) and I'm all for it!

Still hasn't found that walkthrough of Obra Dinn yet...

Darksiders II, Inquisition and Origins always at the backseat now to let me finish both of the games.

Another drawback of a new setup is the inability to go full screen for every game. The new monitor is not as high tech as I wanted to be and it caused many of the previous unavailability to play those games before. When I couldn't even display the game, I couldn't change the setting from full screen to at least windowed (I tried doing it from the outside, editing the txt file, for Remember Me and still couldn't) which is the current setting that work for most of them.

the Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

What else that's short that I can play...?

Below | Dead in Vinland | Darkest Dungeon | Return of the Obra Dinn

I had to restart Darkest Dungeon yet again and Dead in Vinland's finish line still remains to be seen... 

Assassin's Creed Origins | Dragon Age Inquisition | Darksiders II 

I'm done with Ori finally... I don't think I can return to this type of game right away though!

Bayonetta | Beyond Good & Evil | Cuphead | Fez | FTL | Hollow Knight | Hyper Light Drifter | Into the Breach | Invisible, Inc. | Remember Me | Sundered | the Banner Saga | Titan Souls | Vanquish | Wolfenstein: the New Order

Assassin's Creed | Batman: the Telltales Series Season 1 & 2 | Dragon Age Origins & II | Broken Age| Doom (2016) | Game Dev Tycoon | Gone Home | Half-Life | Half-Life 2 | Life is Strange Season One & Before the Storm | Life is Strange Season Two Episode One | Little Nightmares | Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy | Night in the Woods | Ori and the Blind Forest | Oxenfree | Portal | Portal 2 | Pyre | Spec Ops: the Line | Superhot | Telltale's the Walking Dead Season 1-3 | the Gardens Between | What Remains of Edith Finch | X-Com: Enemy Unknown
They will keep coming... 

Dead Cells | Deep Sky Derelicts | Psychonauts | Shadowrun Returns

Oh yeah, if you couldn't tell already, I am that type of person who plays a lot of games at the same time. Yup. Doesn't it feel weird jumping from one game to another? No, not so much. No.

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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