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Picture of the Day 003 a feast for the eyes

Picture of the day 003
a Feast for the Eyes

A set of photos of food to be enjoyed, at least just visually from Final Fantasy XV

Yes, these are pictures of food being rendered in the game engine of the aforementioned upcoming latest iteration of the long running franchise

The most likely method is they took real life high resolution photos of the food and the rendering of the food's shapes and sizes in the game as the foundation with the aforementioned pictures being applied as the 'skin' upon the surfaces, with well-placed sheen and fresh vapors to add to the immersion

Be honest with me: do you even for a second mistook these pictures as real before reading the title and descriptions, not knowing where they were actually from? That is exactly why I posted these photos and wanted to emphasize just how far the technology has come.

Sure, it's from a highly stylized fantasy RPG game from Japan but these triple-A game companies keep pushing the almost dated capabilities of PS4 and Xbox One to the max as the inevitable transition to the next cycle of consoles is fast approaching.

The uncanny valley factor is still prevalent in these pictures but the line has been blurred quite significantly nowadays that it's only time for the art would imitate life at least perfectly visually.

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