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Video check-in 001 the first week of August, 2019
I've been meaning to do this in awhile... so I will use this particular segment to highlights Youtube videos that I particularly like and would love to recommend to you guys. Since the list keeps growing and growing by the day, I hope you're ready for an avalanche!
Oh, I hope at least one would strike your fancy...

Interpreter Breaks Down How Real-Time Translation Works | WIRED
This is a great window into a profession that we didn't know much about in everyday life and showcasing how it works effectively as well as the opposite. Having an expert that can do so really well (and WIRED always do mostly) is really key for this type of video explanation. Watch it to be properly educated on real time translation!
Naomi Scott: Hear the Bells
I discovered this video right before Aladdin came out just and it really highlight her singing prowess to me, especially when the recording session is as bare and stripped down as this was. If you've seen the film, you know she is the right casting for the role!
Coins Have Hidden Booby Traps and Secret Levers
This was such a head trip when I came across it randomly and I didn't know coins can be this beautiful and ornate... and have hidden mechanisms in them! What?! I wish I could do that... you have to see it to believe it!
If You Think You Need Some Lovin - Pomplamoose - Live
Pomplamoose is a band that I only discovered in the last few months but I have been binging through their covers and original songs ever since. This is just a sample of their groovy and fun take that I'm sure you'll enjoy!
Game of Thrones Language Creator Reviews People Speaking Valyrian and Dothraki | Vanity Fair
Creating a new artificial language by yourself is really a giant feat in and of itself so I will commend this expert for his expertise. Knowing the effects of your own creation on fans and the other properties around you and still commend them for giving their best take on it is a noble gesture to me.
Lethal Injections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
As harsh as people can be each other, I know we are past our barbaric phase to execute those who have wronged us. With this particular topic covered by John Oliver and his team, this is more proof to that effect.
Every "Hot Ones" Episode
Since I've watched a lot of Hot Ones episodes, you can see some similar traits start to repeat and this astute observation by this particular fan is spot on. Just beautiful!
Kevin Smith Reviews Avengers: Endgame - SPOILERS!
He is a really talkative guy if you listen to any of his podcast and when he is really passionate about something, it really come through. Case in point, here he is recapping and reviewing Endgame and it was a delight from start to finish!




pop culture
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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