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As I try to sip...

to-capacity - puncture - pulsate
pet peeves Monday 058 & misc list 284
I was thinking of what to cover and then it hit me.
I love to drink beverages but I know there are some drawbacks...:

#142: fill to the brim
This is so a first world problem but when I am really enjoying my drinks and can't seem to stop, it would be disappointing if I can feel my stomach feels full already. That feeling is not comfortable at all and would dissuade me to continue further...

#143: the plastic is firm
When I do drink though, there were instances whereby I was not careful with the plastic straws and ended up hitting the insides of my mouth quite hard and left a mark. If it fully heal right away, I won't mind but if I had to suffer through the recovery just like I always do through an ulcer, then I just have to learn from my mistake...

#144: sensitive...
Not sure if I wasn't careful during my adolescence but my teeth now are really sensitive especially to cold. Using straws really help me to channel where the fluid is going and not touching the teeth if I can help it. Unfortunately, sometimes they did and the aching were really something else. It's just the risk I'm willing to take.

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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