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For your bowel movement...

- douse - mobile - natural
Tips, see Thursday 029 & misc list 224
This is a bit late but I think I should do it anyway.
What I put in my body and how my body is stressed during the day plays a major part in how my stomach is handling the good inside:

#073: doused in water x2
Our body is 70% water and I do believe that adequate daily consumption of liquid will help to keep the body system moving naturally. Whether hot or cold or even plain, please drink water responsibly everyday,at least when you are thirsty. I never have any constipation in my adult life as long as I remember to drink well.

#074: get your move on
Putting yourself in a stressful environment will definitely affect your bodily functions and whenever I'm sitting down for a long period of time whether in front of the laptop or on my bike, my bowel movement will be on hold for the duration and when I move out of the discomfort, it will lessen up the tension on the body. So keep it in check!

#075: good for you
Let me end it with another consumption addition, but this time it is the dreaded vegetables. Although I can stomach it better now as an adult, I know it's never a kid's favourite dish but it is good for your digestion as all that fiber is the most helpful part of your diet if you want a clean and fluid bowel movement. I almost never spent over a minute in the toilet for number two so that should be a clear evidence for you. Happy experimenting!

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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