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As I'm drinking carbonated drink...

sensation - evidence - false
pet peeves Monday 044 & misc list 227
I never buy one myself but if it's in the vicinity and it is up for the taking, I don't mind an indulgence or two.
While I'm not one to consume it excessively, but when I do once in a blue moon, there are some side effects that I'm not particularly enjoy...:

#100: enjoyable yet hurtful
First of all, the sensation of carbonated drink has always amaze me when consumed, with its ability to have you burping without fail and messing up your digestion if you're not careful. I will always drink just a little at a time to ensure it will not cause indigestion since I remember how I felt then and how much I had to suffer alone...

#101: left behind evidence
These drinks are always so crammed with a lot of artificial colourings and flavours that if you don't drink it right away, your mug or glass will be stained in no time. If I want to use it again, I need to be aware of that every time.

#102: too strong and thick
Yeah, I know today's drinks are always so sweet and while they are taking steps to promote their 'sweetless' alternatives, the ones available to me currently is the normal ones and are always too much for my teeth to bare as they are always hurting when they are being coated by all these sweeteners. The aftertaste is not my fancy.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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