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"Shall we begin?" "Let's Do It."

topic of the day 028 & video of the day 023
 Father's AI 
After finding out that his father was going to pass away, he took upon himself to do a little experiment based upon his job by creating a workable Artificial Intelligence with his own father as the base of operation.
How? Who?
Having a lot of conversations with his dying father on the death bed, he had the notion to save the precious stories his dad keep telling in an immortal state that he and other family members could engage with anytime and anywhere if the feel the need to.
Everyone deals with grief in their own different way and it so happens that he could use the precious recordings of his dad's voice and stories to let his children ease away from having their dad not being part of their life anymore, allowing them to let go of their dad on their own time if they finally felt it was enough.
Then? So?
It may be viewed as unhealthy to cling on onto something or someone that is not there anymore far longer than appropriate but who are we to judge how much should a person grief over someone else's passing when we don't even know how their relationship with each other was.

Lesson Learned:
If you got the chance to have one last conversation with your loved ones that have passed, wouldn't you take it?

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