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Let's agree to disagree.

topic of the day 027 & video of the day 021 & Trend of the day 003
Divorce Selfies
Not a happenstance for sprouting up in today's more modern culture, it is a trend of a mutually separated couple taking commemorative pictures of their official departure from each other, all in good graces and complete understanding.
Who? Why?
From the jaded and more cynical viewpoint, this bittersweet picture can be perceived is taken only the views and publicity of themselves 'being available in the market,' but for the less weary and more optimistic, it is a symbol of respect and understanding between two adults that just couldn't make it work between them and had a presumably mutual separation.
The act of talking selfie is so ingrained in today's modern culture that it could be the base of anything and associated with today's culture, what better way to use a positive medium for a relatively negative experience in life.
Then? So?
Whether or not you view this trend in a negative light or maybe just hating people making trends out of anything for hate sake, it is undeniable that two individuals coming to a census over their differences and arrived on a decision that's for the better is a positive thing all around and should be celebrated in any way they want.

Lesson Learned:
Let's not let the fact we couldn't work out our differences together overshadow our mutual agreement to be apart for the better.

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