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It's time for the women to shine!

Getting Started 023 Mae Young Classic (WWE) {August 28th}
It is such a long wait until its premiere almost at the end of month ... why is the wait so long?!
Following up on my post on instagram, I am actually disappointed with the company's followup after the two preceding tournaments, Cruiserweight Classic and United Kingdom Championship Tournament. The former didn't live up to its uproarious performance with the 205 Live that is hampered by always following up on SmackDown and using the same now lethargic audiences while the latter virtually have no follow up whatsoever until now (although they were talks for a roaming tour in the UK). Now with the fan-favourite Talking Smack is even cancelled, I can't imagine they would try doing a separate show for the upcoming female wrestlers that they've reportedly signed in.
Nevertheless, let's not count the eggs before they are hatched and wait for the show to come first and then judge on them objectively. I know the first rounds have been recorded already but I have been trying my best not to spoil myself and I have succeeded so far! I just want one thing and one thing only: please let Kairi Hojo @ Kairi Sane do her finisher, the wonderful elbow drop from the top of the rope! Please let the superior execution of the move stand stall as the prime example!
Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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