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Video of the Day 011 Not Safe for Work but Essential for Early Education

Sex education in Norway (female anatomy)
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A educative video specifically on the human anatomy of the female sex and how the reproductive organ looks and functions most importantly after puberty.
An independent Norwegian Youtube video channel does not shy away from the inexplicably taboo topic but rather handles it head on with clear information given on every instance and affirming tone by the teacher for the viewers.
Going through every part of the sexual organ, she focuses specifically on what would happen after puberty that every woman have to take care of (until menopause), without putting any stigma on it at all while providing much-needed education for all the young girls having to experience it first-hand.
Put aside religion and culture and instead takes into account the natural phenomenon of the human body, how it universally functions for all of us and without any sufficient knowledge, it could be daunting to face by themselves and downright terrifying for them to encounter without any inkling of what exactly is happening.
I strongly suggest that you watch the video in its entirety (of course with the subtitles on if you can't speak Norwegian) and share it with concerned parents as a guide to educate their children correctly and efficiently.
As a Muslim myself, this topic is considered taboo to be learned publicly let alone in the local education system but by actually letting us learn everything that we need to know of the human body of both sexes, we would be fully informed on how everything works and could even empathize of the opposite sex.

Lesson Learned:
Knowledge is everything.

source: NRK (youtube)

! please go through the playlist if you want to learn everything about puberty ! 

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