Fragility in Faith.
Sunday Soapbox 011
Morbid Curiosity
[ human event ]
Ah, I'm so mad!
This warrant a platform for me.

Haihh... I really need to sort out my emotions on this since this would never be resolved any time soon. I need to lay them down in proper sentences so I would let you see my intentions are clear and not muddled by my emotions. First of all, I am Muslim and living here in Malaysia, with Islam as its main religion. All of the rules would be under its guidance, so anything that strays from that would not be compatible with the local laws here. Some of them are good for the diverse society here but some are just... ugh. I really need to be careful on how I address this since I know this could be used against me if I'm critical of the government. I just... I am religious but I know people are free to do as they please. Do we need to police everything?
This warrant a platform for me.

Haihh... I really need to sort out my emotions on this since this would never be resolved any time soon. I need to lay them down in proper sentences so I would let you see my intentions are clear and not muddled by my emotions. First of all, I am Muslim and living here in Malaysia, with Islam as its main religion. All of the rules would be under its guidance, so anything that strays from that would not be compatible with the local laws here. Some of them are good for the diverse society here but some are just... ugh. I really need to be careful on how I address this since I know this could be used against me if I'm critical of the government. I just... I am religious but I know people are free to do as they please. Do we need to police everything?
I love how people are able to be themselves, whether it being the religion, sex and everything in between. Since this country has been prosperous (well, enough) despite everything that's going against it, this really traditional view of people's sexuality is really backwards that I was being brought down to earth, a land that's still stuck in their own ways. I can't believe that we are just that insecure of our own religion that any culture that is not intrinsically in line with ours would be too dangerous to be around our practitioners. I am really open to people exploring their own identity and as long as it's not hurting anybody else, it should'nt be any of my business to interfere with anyone else's life. If we're forcing our lifestyle onto others, isn't it worst then?
Which brings me back to the topic at hand. It's Lightyear. It's an animated family film! It is understood that LGBTQ representation is universally accepted now and very much appreciated. Yeah, the vocal minority would be saying that they're just pandering by "going woke" but I would view it that by using their biggest platforms that are most widely available to put spotlight on every facet of mankind now more than ever, I think it's a win win for all of us. It's the kiss that's throwing it over the top, right? I think if it's just the hug, maybe it could still be in the clear. Well, that's the price of living here. I just want to enjoy a well made film in a big screen with other like-minded moviegoers in the same place... Is that really that hard?
Nope, as long as it is that hard to embrace others here, I will never be at peace...
a case for the overextend of censorship:
+ Positives +
? Main contention ?
How much it would progress when the next generation of Malaysians start to change the law makeup of our country...
- Negatives -
Hate is hate, plain and simple.
? Trait ?
- misplaced of priority by overstepping their boundaries in the name of religion -
- x -
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