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daily random video 008
duration: 3 min 25 sec, released: June 10th, 2018
randomness nature = 60% since it's a dance cover of a Bollywood dance.

Okay, here's something random.
Since I learned of this site over a FBE video the other day, I want to try to highlight a video a day, a video that literally do not have a single view on Youtube. I love the platform and want to try to give my support in any way that I can. Let's see how long this would last!
Edit: I found a new site that I can go to to view random videos with next to nothing views: Incognitube.

justified to not have any next to nothing view?
No because it is quite an adept cover of a difficult dance by such a young enthusiast.

a case for the eighth:
+ Positives +
Great cover of a typical Bollywood dance.
? Main contention ?
I wonder how his singing prowess would be to accompany this dance...
- Negatives -
It's a genre that some would still find it hard to get into.
source: hemalatha reddy
- x -

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