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retrospective: last wish of a dying boy

topic of the day 009
from imgur

A volunteer dressed as Santa Claus granted a dying wish of a five year old terminally ill boy.
A nurse from an unidentified hospital call the man with the special request for an early Christmas present before the inevitable happened.
A child that young would only knew so much in his tragically short life and with his innocence still intact, a wish fitting the holiday spirit (at the time) brought them all together to grant it even if it made his day just for a moment.
Regardless of someone's faith or religion, anyone could relate to having a beloved one in your family and being forced to say goodbye just when you get to know him/her would be a horrible experience from both sides and if you could make it a bittersweet one, you would.
As per tradition, Santa Claus plays a big part of the holiday especially for the young ones and having someone as magical as him around this specific holiday makes it that just more special for those who celebrate it. Since the ill-fated boy wanted to be a part of it and feel special again, a harmless wish was made and granted to the benefit of them all who were involved, with the boy passing away in the embrace of someone he looked up to or at least felt a connection with.
No matter how menial or inconsequential your job is, it would always mean something to someone and it this particular instance, his volunteer work made someone's day a lot better and ease his passing.
Lesson Learned:
"Your job could make someone's day no matter how menial or inconsequential it is."

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