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would you rather ...?

game of the day 002

"Either is a big game of preference, made up of thousands of would you rather questions with statistics and debate."
Who? with an app that's also available on iOS and Android ... for free!
With practically the internet and their disposal and willing participants also contributors, the mechanic is as simple as it can be: choosing one over another on questions provided by the developer as well as the users themselves.
Now in the world of constant information, the other intriguing part of the world wide web is the group mentality and the hive mind aspect whereby a single topic could bring upon different and diverse opinions on it and this particular game would reduce it to its bare essential: a central theme that the two answers would represent at the opposite side of the spectrum to ensure enough difference between the two.
None of these questions really matters much but it's basically an effective way to fill up your time and you would maybe learn bit by bit more of yourself and how the others think of the same thing.
A great time waster while learning more on how yourself think and others as well with the questions represent the curiosity nature of the humans as well as the bizarre aspect of us as a whole. 

Lesson Learned:
"Curiosity kills the time."

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