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an effort goes a long way ...

topic of the day 008
a mascot representing its company with a smile
from imgur
The famous Coca-Cola polar bear doing his job to entertain the visitors.
Let's applaud the man behind (or inside) the suit that does his job to the best of his abilities with what he have at his disposal.
A level of complexity higher than the usual mascot suits, the person that would wear it needs to learn how to operate it first from the inside and most importantly make it look natural ... well, as natural as a polar bear with human expressions and playful behaviors would be.
Spun off of hit commercials for the renowned soft drinks, it has been the new face for the brand and with it comes a new opportunity.
Rather than the standard mascot, the company decided to have a fully expressive polar bear suit and thankfully they have a capable worker inside it to express it to the fullest.
He or she needs to love his job to do this suit justice and judging by a number of videos I see it in action with a number of visitors from all walks of life, I believe it to be true.
Lesson Learned:
"You need to love your job to be able to make someone's day with only a small interaction."

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