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User-Controlled 001t [pen-to-paper] <idea> the Rest [imgur]


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You got that help because you didn't listen in the first place, so why start now, right? The narrator is being a little much now...


Reminding themselves that they should put this gift to good use and not to be reckless especially now with one dependence, the now responsible adventurer turns right back around to approach the spot they left earlier. Finally putting down the twigs that were picked up just now at the center of it, they look at that pile that is necessary to keep the fire going, thinking that they might not be enough. As the light begins to disappear more over the horizon, they feel that the time is ticking away, encouraging them to gather as much kindling as possible from the nearest surroundings. They start by putting down the one that is lit and propping it up with the others, and then begin scrounging around for other possible fuel for the fire, loose twigs, barks and dead leaves. Pulling off some stray weeds that have die off for good measure, they return back to the camp site and begin to arrange all the kindling that are available into the most effective arrangement for the fire... at least the one that they had read on from one of the many books that had been gone through tirelessly for this idealized grand adventure. Time for a practical hands-on experience then, the narrator emphasizes. Time to put it to practice! Now the fire is set, with the bag on one side and the padded blanket on another and everything seems to be in order. So, what now? The darkness begins to swallow everything that is outside of the growing reach of the glow of the ember, reminding them of how small they could feel on this vast field if you couldn't see it all. You could go to sleep right away or stay up for a little while. Which one would you choose, dear protector?
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Sleep or stay awake?
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Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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