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Guilty for wanting to play...

guilty pleasures Tuesday 030
Got a quick nap so I'm good for now...

Any exercise is good but when you're not a hundred perfect, you can't do it perfectly. I used to play basketball before but for months now I've been more active with it than ever before... and my knees have been flaring up even more so, just like they did when I did almost daily jogs before. Since this sport requires you to jump the most, I had to improvise and diversify my playing styles, by focusing on shootings rather than running through the paint. I will never jump when I was practicing so it won't stress my knees too much and since I can really shoot without jumping at all much more easily now, it has been a blessing to me despite the circumstances.

Is it something to be ashamed about? No, not really but when I'm hobbling about the court, I'm just disappointed that I couldn't give it my all. Is it a bit of the ordinary? Maybe so since this is applicable to ballers only, so to speak. Does it deserves the guilty pleasure seal? Definitely since my lingering injury will not improve if I keep this going... but I just can't help myself!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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