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The Circle of Life's Wastes

topic of the day 029 & video of the day 025
How Poop Shape the World
It is not an overstatement to say that every living things depend on each other to keep alive and it is more apparent in the ways our wastes from carbon dioxide to literal feces intertwined with each other and keeping our ecosystem balanced and in turns all of us alive.
How? Who?
With 70% of the Earth covered with water, the aquatic life's food pyramid from the giants of whales to the smallest of plankton circling the elements of carbon (C) and iron (Fe) again and again while contributing in absorbing the abundance of CO2 in the atmosphere.
The recycling of nutrients would not cure the climate change but it helps in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. It does not limit to the underwater world but also transferred onto land by poops from fish-eating birds. Changing the focus to the mammals on land, this similar method applies when they eat variety of fruits from one place and disposing the seeds in somewhere else entirely, helping in diversifying the nutrients as well as spreading the different species around.
Then? So?
Diversity is the main topic of the day since every living thing need different nutrients from all across the element chart and if the tertiary ecosystem is well balanced, everyone and everything would benefit from it hence the need to pay attention how we affect the world around us.

Lesson Learned:
When put into perspective, everything is connected and rely heavily on each other to keep the healthy ecosystem alive.

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