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"Someone's going to die for this!"

Getting Started 040 [Custom] Spawn [Spawn by Todd McFarlane] {1992->} <#023>
 Spawn. A creation by Todd McFarlane in the early 90's in his own comic book series but more widely known for his action figure series, hence the nigh impossible possibility of this happening since Funko POP is a rival to his bottomline despite being different subgenres targeting different demography.
With that being said, I love his tendency to stick to a particular style that is fitting to this warrior from hell. Since the 1997 film didn't exactly colour the franchise in flattering lights, he wants to have another crack at it in today's much more superhero-friendly climate and I applaud him for even want to direct the movie himself. All the more power to you and good luck, sir! Here's my tribute in solidarity.
Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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