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Recommendation of the Day 001 Criminal Podcast, Realistic LEGO Mask & Gargoyles Live-Action Movie (080616)

Criminal Podcast 
Episode 035 Pen & Paper 012216

- a nonchalant recollection of a courtroom artist's forty years-long career of the numerous threats she received from the criminals ranging from mostly harmless to downright terrifying yet Andy Austin loved to see the human nature at its worst and also its best although she had a surprising critique of the level of passion in the court -

+ Highlights: professionally made and edited, short and sweet with a great value for its duration
- Lowlights: considering the guest's old age, there were noticeable mouth chapping sounds 

Real-Life LEGO MiniFig Cosplay 
by Tested 072716

- in lieu of the recent Comic-Con, the master sculptor of Tested, Frank Ippolito, tried to follow in the geeky tradition of cosplaying but with his own unique yet creepy twist of a classic LEGO minifig  -

+ Highlights: the professionally made and detailed latex mask and gloves with human characterististics and the recognizeable silhoutte of a LEGO figure & the genuine reactions by the attendees who understood the concept and didn't (i.e. the adults and the children)
- Lowlights: the creepy uncanny valley & the disproportionate cosplay considering the tall stature of its wearer but could be forgiven since he made it himself

Gargoyles as a Life-Action Movie 
by Collider 062016

- with the recent success of the reboots of Disney's animated classics, it is the most opportune time to give this movie a go since a movie in a similar ilk, Jungle Book, with a solitary main human character being surrounded with other fully CG-ed characters received critical acclaim and fans' adoration -

+ Highlights: the franchise's rich lore and colourful characters is ripe for a modern interpretation and adaptation & the Jungle Book as a perfect template to 
- Lowlights: should learn from the imperfect adaptation of Warcraft with the fully CG-ed orcs being the main bright spots of the movie and the less interesting human characters bringing it down, focus more on the former and less on the latter

Source: collider

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