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Recommendation of the Day 002 Overlooked [Comedy, Global News & Pro Wrestling] (081416)

the Jackie and Laurie Show 
Episode 032 Reintroduce Yourself to your Hand 080816

Comedy. It is subjective in the eyes of the beholder or rather the mind since everyone have their own preferences. It might have looked easy to give someone a good chuckle in your own circle but what if you have to stand on a stage in front of a crowd of total strangers and make them laugh by yourself? What is the material that you are going to use and how are you going to deliver them? This is the basic questions these two seasoned (don't call them veterans) comediennes try to answer when they get together, having a laidback conversation stress-free and structure-free. This brings up the good and the bad with it as they discuss the mechanics of the job, the structure of the materials and the reactions of the audiences. 

+ Highlights: candid and self-deprecating humour, laidback conversation
- Lowlights: comedy is subjective, adult languages: proceed with caution 

Source: nerdist

Simon Miller's Pro Wrestling Journey
by WhatCulture Wrestling 072316

Whether you like it or not, professional wrestling is a hard work. To my childhood self's disappointment, wrestling as an entertainment on the television is definitely fake but to my current self's amazement, all the moves and bumps the wrestlers received and given in the squared ring are definitely real, and definitely hurt. To perform these particular moves cleanly and safely, they need to have the mastery of the basics and then a total cooperation with the other performer on the mat. When everything falls into place (as well as their own bodies), it doesn't matter if it is tiring or it hurts, it would all be worth it for them if they were able to put on a good and believable show for the audiences, to the delight of both my younger and current self.

This particular bloke in the video above is trying to do just that and his road to his lifelong dream is just beginning. This would highlight all the blood, sweat and tears these real athletes have given to pursue this career and if you looked down on them as mere silly entertainment entity, please recognize them as hardworkers at their job and they would always put their body on the line to joy of the others, and that in turns would give them joy as well.
+ Highlights: the eyeopening look behind the curtain of this popular profession, the opportunity to follow a man's journey to achieve his dream and all the ups and downs that come with it
- Lowlights: the fear that it would all be for naught

by IrisWest 081316

A pictures speaks a thousand words and in the site of imgur, most of the time that's all it needed. A casual browsing through the posts on the site reveals a more cheery and positive outlook on life around us, but there is always a need to be informed of the more serious matter around the world, even for this site. IrisWest's weekly attempts are doing just that and brilliantly so: combining the power of single images and proper contexts to convey the news straight and simple.

+ Highlights: the sheer diversity of news from all walks of life around the world, bringing a much need attention or spotlight on more obscure news in today's industry that's inundated with less important but clickbait-worthy stories
- Lowlights: citation needed, but not important as of now

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