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Guilty for going so close to the edge...

guilty pleasures Tuesday 036 & obligatory journal 404
This is something I'm always struggling with...

I'm always trying my best to keep to the five prayers a day thing, and most of the time I succeeded.

The main problem here is I always tend to keep it as close as possible to the end of the prayer time before I rush myself to take wudhuk and pray in haste.

For example, I just prayed for Subuh just now right as the clock turned to seven. Yup.

It's a habit that I am trying to curb... It's not a guilty pleasure, it's just what I'm doing despite knowing how bad it is.

So, is it something to be ashamed about? Quite, I think the pahala is lesser the more you stray from the time of azan, or so I believe. Is it a bit out of the ordinary? Hm... maybe not, at least I think I am praying and I know my younger brother does not... he doesn't come out of this room to pray at all. Does it deserves the guilty pleasure seal? Certainly so, while I do not take pleasure from it, I am guilty for doing it.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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