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Note or bolt?

User-Controlled 003c [pen-to-paper] <idea> the Leap of Faith [reddit]


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It is only logical that those who found things unattended in the middle of nowhere without any potential owner's visible presence around would be allow to keep them, right? Until further notice of course, from the owner in the future. Let's get ahold of both of them, shall we? For safekeeping purposes only... and certainly to keep themselves protected as well as to fend off attackers. Just as soon as they have their hands on both of them, these roots come straight off of the ground and ensnare both appendages in still position in the air. Hm... doesn't this took a turn for the worse, right? It's a bit of a conundrum for this overzealous adventurer that's caught red-handed, ruminating over this apparent trap or protection spell and what is its original function is. Is it to fend off handsy thieves, or is it a test of courage for a novice? What if they let go one of them, just showing their intent to not be greedy and learn from their mistake? What if they still keep ahold of both of them and slowly pull back in their handful hands? Or what if they just let go, turn away and go back into hiding?

After much deliberation, they move their head in a nod of determination as a permission to pick...?
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Ooh, this is a bit different, isn't it?

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Daily Adventure
003c: You are here.


Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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