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Approach, or avoid?

User-Controlled 003k [pen-to-paper] <idea> the Discovery [reddit]

It's just a writing exercise for you now, huh?

They could hear a meek sound of acknowledgement coming from the void, following up that fourth wall breaking statement from the narrator. The adventurer's only response to that is with their own decision to turn back around and go back through the road that they went down in the first place. Possibly figuring out that since their initial attempt to socialize has backfired spectacularly, it is only logical to try to go the other way if possible. Since it's still early enough to do so, they happily walk back to the aforementioned signboard and breezily pass it to go down the opposite direction of the road. While they didn't actually walk away from that earlier situation empty-handed, what they actually mean is still too far for them to grasp although they would come in handy, or not. They are always an optimist, huh? Being accompanied by the constant bounces of the mug off of the side, they continue to go through the dirt path for awhile... until they notice something on their right: a giant sapling peeking through the long grass. It doesn't look like a normal tree at all; it appears to look like a a small sapling being enlarged many times its size. It could be harmless, or it could be a familiar feeling all over again. Do you want to approach it or actually take the safe route this time around. So, tick, tock, my dear adventurer, which one it's going to be?

Approach, or avoid? Decisions, decisions... this might start something new. The Great Nothingness could be helpful right about now... In the end, they decided to...?


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Daily Adventure
003k: You are here.


Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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